This Is An Ethical, Non-Clinical, Psychoeducational Approach For Mental Health Professionals
Watch This Short But Important Video That Tells You How It Works
Want To Create An Group-Based, Non-Clinical Coaching, Training, Or Consulting Program That Helps You Break Out Of Trading Time For Money?
So You Can Charge Higher Rates, Attract Self-Paid Clients, Create A Flexible Way To Serve Your Clients That Doesn't Tie You To Endless 1-on-1 Clinical Hours?
Apply Now To See If You Qualify:
Robin Thompson has helped seven different companies scale from $0 to between $7m and $70m in his career. He pioneered major digital advertising campaigns, has spent millions of dollars running profitable advertising campaigns on Google, Facebook and YouTube. He has been a founding partner in three different consulting firms in three different countries.
The last ten years he has been focused on the coaching, training, and consulting industries. After growing one of the most formidable brands in coaching from $200,000 per year to $15,000,000 in just four years, he decided to dedicate his time to help mental health professionals develop additional revenue streams in coaching, training, or consulting that help them make more impact in the world and control their clinical hours.
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To protect the confidentiality of my clients and comply with all applicable local laws, the names and/or business names associated with the testimonials featured on the video on this page or in writing may have been changed. Their stated results are true.